Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Stanley Palace Ghosst Hunt chester halloween 2012

Prestige Paranormal and guests went to stanley palace in chester for thier halloween ghost hunt. We had a cracking time. Although stanley palace is not as big as some of our usual locations, it certainly has fantastic activity.
When setting up pete and sam went into the courtyard where sam sensed a man that got stabbed in the left hand side of the stomach. He was a cheeky chappie called fowler and he made his presence known by kissing sam and her feeling cobweb feeling on her lips. Pete had his foot stamped on by him. When the guests arrived we had the table tipping, ouija going also in the base room. Sam had the queens room and her and 8 other guests in her group saw an apprition of an old mans head and shoulders in the courtyard looking in. Since the courtyard is sealed by its own building, we ae all accounted for and the apparition called george made his presence even brighter when asked by one member of our group and dull again when asked.
There was also a photo of a purple mist coming down the stairs which was interesting, and uptairs we had the loudest bags we had in the long gallery by henry. Sam cheekily asked since hes an accountant to be included in his will. he banged twice for no lol.
it was a cracking event and lovved every min of it. When packing up we had everything in the car. There was only the keys that needed to be done and when there was ust the four of us in there, we heard a chair being dragged upstairs. We then had an extra vigil for 10 mins on our own and we had taps and bangs again in reponse. We will be going back there again in november next year, Since prestige paranormal do have an infinity with the ghost there and they all seem to do really well for us, if you do want to join us visit http://www.prestigeparanormalevents.co.uk

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