August 20th 2011
1. Visit with myself, my sister, and another paranormal group on a private ghost hunt.
2. First vigil was in the chapel. A medium with the other group sensed a spirit they have been in contact with many times before, 'old cloggs' a scribe that documented the goings on at guys cliffe back in the 1400/1500's
3. I sensed a man in my minds eye in front of me who was a monk called Abraham and he did not like the ladies. All i sensed was his face, in front of mine, in the darkness with an angry look. He made taps on command when asked.
4. A man who had passed away two weeks prior was one of the last boys to reside at guys cliffe when they was evacuated in the second world war. He made a whistle which was captured on my evp (dictaphone)machine.
5. Second vigil we was in the Coach House. The other paranormal group had been here many times and greeted 'Jacob' like a long lost friend. Jacob, who is in his 30's had a mindset of a 14 year old, and he loved the ladies. He touched myself and my sister on the head. I took out my hair slide, put it in the centre of the circle where we was all sitting and we all held hands to call out and i said he could keep it if he would show himself. after 5 mins, we could all see a hand in the darkness. although it was dark, you could still see it as it had a slight glow to it, ever so faint but you still make it out and then his master returned (sensed by another medium) and he disappeared, as this master was strict and used to beat him.
6. Third vigil we had was world war two rooms. We was on the ouija board, and got a man called Aleister crowley on the board. He was known as the 'wickedest man in britain ' in his day and used to have a cult. He answered a few questions, like his mother used to want a girl and called him alice when growing up, then he left the board after that.
7.fourth vigil was in the cellar. A friend in the other paranormal group had kept this secret as to who was in there, in the hope i would sense who it was. Everyone in thier group was sniggering and they all said they had run ins with this spirit. I went in with them, and i sensed a man brutally murdering a little boy aged 3-4 years of age in the corner, like a replay of time being played out to me. I also sensed a lady being raped and having this child as a result of this. I got the mans name of 'Johnathan' and knew i wasnt alone and that he was in there with me. I got stroked on the neck and a tug on the hair and a stroke on the leg. I didnt stay in there very long. I was told after this vigil, by the other group that one of them was a attacked and when i got home, he posted me over the pic of him on facebook with a bloodshot eye where he poked him.
8. the fifth vigil we was in one of the upstairs rooms above the chapel. It looked like a normal conference room, however, me and a medium sensed a 12 year olf girl in there who wanted to play. so i gave her some of the marbles i had. asking her if she wanted them, we all heard a little wail in the room like she was trying to speak.
March 17th 2012.
1.This was a public event we had with our guests.There was a mixture. a group of ladies, a group of young men around 20 years of age, and a group of serious ghost hunters.
2. Mediumship walkaround, I was going round telling everyone (they was all together the guests at the time) the spirits i was picking up. In the restricted area, i sensed aleister crowley, a man who looked around 40 with a white robe on and knew he was him and not a man of the cloth as he was introducing himself with his name. The restricted area is part of the house we are allowed to go in. the vast majority of it was destroyed by fire when shooting a sherlock holmes programme. The area houses one large room, which then leads into a corridor which splits off into two further rooms. one to the left with a solitary wooden chair in, the one to the right leads down 6 steps into the game larder. I proceeded to tell everyone who i picked up, and after this left the area with the guests followng behind me to the next area. One of the young mens group was guffawing in the fact that spirits dont exist and how he was a complete sceptic and that Aleister if he did exist was a 'wuss'. Aleister must have over heard as the next thing, he pushed the man from the corridor part into the game larder down six steps. None of the other guests were in arms shot of him and he was left completly dumbfounded as to what had gone on.
3. First vigil was with me in the chapel and a bunch of ladies. We had some great taps again from Abraham the monk, however, he tapped that he wanted us to leave, as he felt that ladies should not be in the chapel. At the end of the vigil, we was about to leave, and noticed that he locked us in. It was very frightening to be locked in and took a few attempts to unbolt the door to get us to leave the room.
4. The next vigil was with myself and the group of boys in the coach house. The same chap who was pushed in this group, and he told me at this point, that the earlier vigil with my husband in the restricted area (when i was being locked in the chapel) the k2 meters which detect emf fields that spirits are supposed to give off, went off. Based on questions of yes no answers and to move to the k2 meter for a yes and step away for a no answer, they discovered it was indeed aleister crowley and when they all called their name in turn to see who aleister had a grudge against and when it came to the gentleman who rubbished aleister crowley and spirits and was pushed, they k2 meters all flashed in response. That vigil in the coach house with me and the boys we had taps from knights templars. We know they are knights templars that still reside there as there is an original coiffer in the coach house which was found in one of the caves nearby that they carried.
5. I had a wander around during lone vigil time and went into one of the caves. there are two caves, guys cave, and also what i call the temple cave, as it has pillars inside. I had two sensations whilst i was there. One i sensed that it was an managerie and also sensed a monkey, which was confirmed by Adrian the curator as correct. Samueal Greatheed owed guys cliffe house for a while and he did indeed have an managerie. The second sense that i saw was not as pleasant. I saw a young girl in the centre, with 12 men all in robes and i got the sense of the time of aleister crowley period. she was very scared, and i saw them slit her front of her throat in the shape of a cross, as if they was tryiing to justify what they was doing was ok. I was completly alone at this point and wasnt liking what i was getting, although it was a replay of time i was seeing, i still feel aleister crowley was prompting that scene from the background.
6. I wanted to go into the cellar, after the last experience though i was scared. so stayed by the entrance. I sensed that johnathan the rapist/murderer was a heavy man for samuel greatheed. A debt collector, and also to serve overseas to ensure the sugar plantations were being worked properly. I also got the sense Johnathan was a heavy drinker,(see photo ive attached that i drew.)I heard a scream coming from the restricted area next door. One of the girls from the ladies group ran out screaming. She had seen in the corridor a full on apparition of a french soldier with a peg leg. This is a true fact, there was indeed a french soldier there and he has been sensed many times by mediums.
7. The final group myself and andy was in the room next to the game larder in the restricted area. This group was a mixed group of men and women, and serious ghost hunters. We had the k2 meters in the center of the group. Aleister crowley made himself known again with the walk towards the k2 for a yes move away for a no and he had respect for us and the group. We had some really good questions he was happy to answer. The fact he had a cult, he had members that carried out duties for him, he wasnt treated right as a child, and that he was misunderstood.
8.We continued the vigil in the game larder. i sensed the french soldier and Aleister crowley. The k2s flashed in response to the fact he wanted one of the men to sit on the stairs which he did, then we all heard, 'step, clunk, step, clunk'. the pegged leg soldier we all gasped. Even Adrian the curator was impressed as he was with us. We got a peice of equipment we call the shadow meter which measures light intensity in lux and can detect shadows in a dark room. We picked up a shadow on the stairs.I sensed it was aleister. asked him to stay where he was and we got that he was about 5ft 6 or so. We asked him to leave the stairs, the reading on the shadow meter went back to zero. we asked him to come back on the stairs again, and the shadow meter registered with the same intensity. We asked him to move to one corner of the room, the reading went to zero on the stairs, and upon reaching one of the corners, he was picked up again, emitting the same intensity.
When we got back, one of the guests posted us an evp recording he got on his phone.It was in the caves, everyone was talking and you hear a scream of ' get out!' but yet no-one had heard it and the talking just simply carried on as if nothing had happened.
All in all it a was a great and yet frightening night.
for a visit here on sunday 27th of october, visit