Drakelow has been visited by us numerous times and we look forward to it every time we go. The sheer size of the place is a great playground for ghost hunting. 3 miles of underground tunnels and rooms.
Drakelow Tunnels was a shadow factory during world war two and a shadow factory was an underground factory making plane parts for rover planes for the war effort. Drakelow tunnels was also used as a communications base during the cold war.
Tonight it was a mild night for march, although a little misty.
Two teams- Group 1 and Group 2.
Format of the night:
Vigil 1 Group 1 - Mediumship in canteen and tunnel 4 Group 2 equipment vigil in restricted area
Vigil 2 Group 2 Victoriana in Surgery and womens dorms Group 1 equipment vigil in restricted area
Vigil 3 Group 2 Mediumship in canteen and tunnel 4 Group 1 Victoriana in restricted area.
Vigil 1: We had a few taps during the vigil by a spirit of a man called Sam. Previous investigations had Sam speak on the Sb-7 spirit box, a box that produces white noise. Sam had mentioned ''prison'' 47 when he died and murder. He confirmed he was involved in the Lancaster bombers. A man named Dave also came through on a previous investigation on the sb-7 in the surgery confirming he murdered Sam. But more on that later. On this night, Sam had touched some of the guests and spooked a group of ladies. To get a better view of what was going on around us, we all stood with our backs against the wall. Sam stood right in front of the medium and people could make out his silhouette. Our medium also called Sam asked him to move across so others could see him and they did. Later, we went to tunnel 4 where a man called Charles walks up and down. We played the Air raid siren, and we heard Charles footsteps and this light appeared at the end of tunnel 4. Group 2 is accounted for in the restricted area so we was shocked to see this. At the end of the vigil we was just going through the hole in the wall when we hear a drop of something heavy in tunnel 4. It was a plastic cog that belonged to a piece of machinery about 4 inches in diameter. Sam our medium throws the cog down the tunnel asking Charles to throw it. And he did. Group 2 had the spirit of Danny in the restricted area and he set off the shadow meter.Motion sensors also went off on command,
Vigil 2: In the equipment vigil group 1 had the ovilus, and electronic voice box which spirit uses to communicate, and when asking if the spirit could prove that he could see in this time of 2015, it said ''Raining'' and ''umbrella''. one of the party had to leave early due to other commitments and sure enough, outside was no longer misty, but raining. This was by the spirit of a girl called ''Emily' and she came from before the tunnels were built and was with her father. Emily produced a light on the wall and the light almost formed into a full on apparition. With group 2 the Ouija had a lot of personal messages coming through. The table tipping session with first half of group 2 had taps and spirit lights and a moan was heard, but on investigation we could not debunk. The second half of group 2 was amazing. Dave the murderer came through. He said he meant to hurt, but not kill Sam and that it was an accident, but didn't regret what he did as Sam owed him money. He would shunt the table from side to side and almost had it levitating. It did feel like at one point it was gliding on a cushion of air, wheres before it was hard to moved and seemed routed to the ground. Sam did drum her fingers on the table, asking to copy her. 2 mins later he did just that.
Vigil 3: Group 2 was in the canteen this time. After the dowsing, we saw a light against the dining room wall and canteen wall. This has happened before. We did do a hand held seance and saw shadows in the centre of the group and Sam also saw a mans face between Martyn our staff member and another lady called Donna. '' It was ectoplasmic'' said Sam. Sam is a medium who had learned over five years at open circle for 2 years and closed circle for a further 3. Sam get the images mentally usually and a sense of where the energy is standing, but since October 2014,she has been seeing ectoplasmic shapes and mists physically via the eyes, but never a face, so this came to a shock to her. Sam sensed it was a man who was not an officer, but a night watchman. In the time office we heard one footstep by Charles. On the victoriana with Group 1 they had family on the ouija, no table tipping but ball pellets (from when they do paint ball shooting in the day) being thrown at them.
Group vigil at the end RAF area: We had a hand held seance and Danny and a spirit called Derek both Raf personel came into the group. they touched the ladies and the spirit of George, another RAF serviceman made a footstep. A guest also did the Attention, about turn etc and that did help, and we also mentioned it was a memorial day for soldiers in Afghanistan and for living and dead to give respect to the fallen.
All in all it was a great night. Great for lights, great for poltergeist activity, shadows, and almost appearing full on apparitions. We cannot wait to go back here again on August 1st 2015 and hopefully get some more on Sam, Dave, Charles and Emily and Danny. for more information visit http://www.prestigeparanormalevents.co.uk
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